Transaction Rationale

Transaction Rationale


Mavengigs is a global consulting firm providing consulting services for Mergers & Integrations (M&A) and Transformations. Through our network of independent resources and partners, we serve clients in USA and Europe. Mavengigs is a division of Panvisage Inc. (a holding company with interests in consulting, education, real estate and investments).

This content is a synopsis from multiple sources for easy reference for educational purposes only. We encourage everyone to become familiar with this content, and then reach out to us for project opportunities.

M&A Transaction Rationale

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) broadly refers to a company buying or selling another company. Buyers & Sellers may buy or sell for different reasons, and an M&A transaction takes place when the interests of the buyer and seller align.

M&A Strategy is driven by the organization’s growth strategy (buy versus build). There are myriad strategies to create value through acquisitions, including (a) strategic driverslike improve performance, remove excess capacity, expand market access, get skills at lower cost, economies of scale, and picking winners early, and (b) additional drivers like roll-up strategy, consolidation, transformational merger and buying cheap.

M&A Buy Side Process typically involves ten steps, including Acquisition Strategy, Acquisition Criteria, Searching for Target, Early discussion, Valuation and Selection, Negotiation, Due Diligence, Purchase and Sales Contract, Financing, and Integration.

Acquisition Strategy and Criteria is used to find the target businesses to buy. 

Acquirer and Target sign NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), then Acquirer receive a CIM (Confidential Information Memorandum) from the Target containing detailed information that is required for analysis, financial modeling, due diligence, and negotiations.

Financial Modeling (of the acquirer, target, and combined company) is key to supporting the valuation and decide whether to proceed with the transaction or walk away.

Value Creation Analysis

Advanced financial modeling includes: (a) complex operating models, (b) leveraged buyout (LBO) models, and (c) Mergers & Acquisition models.

Operating Models focus on operations including revenue build up, operating costs, capital cost build up, consolidation, key drivers, unit economics, internal value creation, risk management and FP&A (financial planning, and analysis).  

Leveraged Buyout Models (LBO) focus on financial structuring including debt and capital structure, covenant modeling for lenders and complex structures for rate of return analysis by investor type.  

Mergers & Acquisitions model includes details around the pro forma model, analysis of synergies, revenue enhancements, cost structures, Integration considerations, accretion/dilution analysis, deal terms and structuring with focus on the strategic and share price impact of combining the businesses.  

Based on the financial model, we value the company and evaluate the impact of the transaction. Building the model also helps in later stage in the M&A process, like negotiation, due diligence, legal agreements (purchase or sale contract) to close the deal.  

Value Creation (continued)

Strategic buyers (operating companies seeking horizontal or vertical expansion) create value through operating synergies, including hard synergies (actual cost savings) andsoft synergies (revenue increases). Financial buyers (private equity sponsors) get limited operating synergies, and instead focus on seeking maximum equity returns.  

The Total Net Value of the target company equals the Enterprise value of the stand-alone target company plus value of the synergies minus transaction cost. If the offer is less than the total net value, then the difference between offer and total net value is the value created for the buyer in this transaction.  

Value Creation Analysis is really an estimate based on current information and assumptions, which may or may not be realized later (synergies may be less, transaction cost may be more) resulting in value that was destroyed or lost in the transaction (need to watch out for this). 

Modeling Process 

When building the merger model, we start with creating the Acquirer and Target models. It’s very important to have the same structure (mapping) for both acquirer and target. Each is laid out the same way, including assumptions, three statement model(includes income statement (P&L), balance sheet, cash flow), supporting schedules and discounted cash flow (DCF) models (provides intrinsic value of the business).   

Deal Assumptions are organized into categories like (a) Transaction Inputs (acquirer and target names, share prices, number of shares outstanding, transaction date), (b) Scenarios – Synergies & Financing (synergy alternatives that may play out and financing alternatesthat acquiring company may have), (c) Purchase Price (consider takeover premium and target’s share price), (d) Sources and Uses of Cash (confirm transaction is properly funded, including money being raised and what’s being spend), (e) Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) (calculate goodwill after allocating the purchase price).  

We take the Acquirer and target Models and the Deal Assumptions and come up with the Closing Balance Sheet (add balance sheet of the two companies and make necessary adjustments), which will be used to drive the forecast and the pro forma model.  

We build the Pro-Forma Model (three statement and DCF) by taking the acquirer stand-alone model and adding the target model, then making any required adjustments (including an integration section).  

We then perform accretion and dilution analysis, where we look at pro forma per share metrics (like Earnings per Share – EPS) to see if the new combined entity is better off than the acquiring company was on its own prior to the transaction. If EPS increases after an acquisition, then the combined company shareholders are better off (accretion) from the transaction. If EPS goes down, then it’s dilutive for the shareholders. Accretion or Dilution analysis results may be influenced by factors like the way the transaction is financed (easier to analyze an all-cash deal than a cash & stock deal).

We perform sensitivity analysis to look at potential impact in the intrinsic per share value of the combined company due to any change in assumptions (like takeover premium or revenue enhancements, etc.).  

Share Price Impact: If the market views the transaction as positive, the share price of the combined company will be higher, and value is created by the transaction.

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